Why persistence is the fundamental law of attraction?

We all know how to set goals because they arise from the desire to achieve something. However, few can persist in a dream and achieve it to the fullest before succumbing to the habit of giving up.

When the going takes up tough, many give up at the first sign of trouble and choose to sacrifice their dreams for a “safer” path with less anxiety, resistance, criticism, and opposition.

Fact that you are watching this right now is probably because you recognize the power of perseverance and its role in achieving your desired result.

Call it willpower, mental strength, or perseverance. The most important thing to know is that perseverance is necessary to manifest ANY purpose.

Without perseverance, you are already defeated before you even start.

You may have already made up on several goals because they have become too difficult to achieve. Or you just couldn’t wait. Or you have lost faith.

Good enough. You feel determined to fix the dream right now and fulfill it; you know that all you need is to develop perseverance.

It’s important to have you here because I’m going to show you how you can develop an unwavering spirit of perseverance and never give up on your dreams again.

Factors that affect your level of perseverance

The power of desire.

Simply put, the foundation of perseverance depends on how passionately you want results. Humans only persist in what we love. If  ​​earning a million dollars was just a passing thought, and my desire to achieve it was weak, then I also found that I lacked perseverance and, therefore, got bad results.

To maintain and strengthen your desire to be successful in any particular goal, you must keep it in mind. You need to think about your vision every day and make sure you take the necessary steps to carry it out. Applying self-hypnosis techniques to influence your subconscious mind will help you realize your wish.

With this emotion, what does it mean to endure tough times? This means that when you face obstacles, your desire to succeed is MORE than your desire to avoid those obstacles.

When you light the flame of your desire, persistence also increases.

The magnitude of your faith.

Faith is another pillar that forms a great foundation for a strong spirit.

Do you know why people keep winning in the face of the seemingly impossible? Have you ever wondered what makes this person different from the rest? What great power allowed him to emerge victoriously?

These people were able to overcome the impossible because somewhere deep down, they had an incredible belief that they could do it no matter how dire the odds.

The perception of the impossible is destroyed by faith. This, in turn, generates determination and perseverance.

The goal here is to develop absolute faith, also known as faith. This means that you don’t have the dream, but you KNOW that you will eventually make it.

Desire mixed with faith is a truly irresistible combination used by every successful person.

How to be more assertive.

The habit of perseverance is a state of mind that can be cultivated no matter what stage of life you are in. Here are five final steps to help you develop this habit. Read and apply them as often as possible in your daily life.

Have a specific purpose

To develop persistence, you must determine the result you want to achieve. Only then can you aim all your efforts to make this a reality.

Remember that achieving a goal can only happen if you know exactly what you want, and it must be exact. Instead of saying, “I want to build up persistence to help me invest in my life,” set a clear goal for yourself, such as “I AM REACHING my goal of making $ 100,000 a month by age 40”. Record your goal in a written statement and go back to it. Read it every day with emotion, visualize how you have already achieved it and what you need to do to make it happen. Fill your mind with thoughts of success. In this way, you also reprogram your subconscious mind and force your desire to manifest.

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