We are all interconnected. At the atomic and subatomic level, our energy and the building blocks of our matter are interconnected. Our atoms combine with atoms in the air, which then combine with other organic substances, people, animals, plants, trees, and everything else.
Even though the complexities of life after billions of years of evolution have led to the creation of a diverse set of organisms here on Earth, we all still come from the same single source, which can be traced not just to the beginning of Earth’s existence, but also until the beginning of the universe itself and time as we know it today.
It is the only source of energy and random mutations after countless iterations in the evolutionary tree that created the unique creatures that we are today. We are all different in the little things. However, some of us are very different, not only in our physical manifestation but also in our mental, emotional, and spiritual state.
With all this differentiation, there is a broad focus on a common theme that unites us all: money. In fact, money is just a fairy tale. This is the most successful story mankind has ever created. In addition to inventing the language that made communication possible, money made commerce possible and took us beyond mere barter and exchange of goods and services, as we once did only many years ago.
Simply put, money is just a story that someone came up with and stuck with. It was decided that some uncommon shape of an inlaid coin or metal object and a sheet of paper were worth more than the material they represented. It started as a thought in someone’s head. Now, this thinking has become commonplace. Now we hope that a sheet of paper with a specific number, with a specific color and other identifying elements, will be worth more than the paper on which it is printed.
Can you imagine saying this to a man thousands of years ago? They would laugh at you. But this thought stuck and became history. It was a story that has been told and recounted by countless people during hundreds and hundreds of years of modern civilization before it became an obvious truth.
The thoughts in our minds, which are transmitted as energy through synapses in our neurons, help us move closer or further away from any goal or outcome. What we think we really become. Basically, money is just a thought. It arises from the energy in our minds.
However, I know the general mood here is that you cannot invest money in your life using the law of attraction. Yet time and time again, people use this precise technique to help them move toward greater financial prosperity. You’ve probably heard of people “wanting” to win the lottery and other kinds of windfall income.
However, there is a difference between wanting something to happen and waiting for it to happen. When you expect something to happen, you have already made a decision, and all your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors revolve around the expected outcome. You decided. That’s it.
We can easily invest money in our lives or in anything else, waiting for it to happen. Desire and hope don’t work. The law of attraction is the fundament of the expectation of a certain result. It revolves around the positive or negative potential energy that a given thought takes in your mind. When you expect the worst, this happens often. When you expect otherwise, this also happens often.
This is not lip service or some kind of pseudoscience; it is real and accurate. There is a precise way to get almost any amount of money in your life over time using the Law of Attraction, as long as you do not abandon your focus and your expectations of such an outcome. As long as you don’t give up and give up on the expected outcome, it will eventually come true. However, some things may take longer than expected, and this is normal. Not everything will happen in the time we decide on this. In fact, this is usually a far cry from that. But as long as we do not doubt our expectations and do not lose perseverance, they always come true. It is always.
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