So do you want to manifest what you want? You’re ready to make the Law of Attraction (LOA) work for you.
You have read/seen The Secret. You know all about the law of attraction and how “thoughts turn into things.” You understand that the similarity attracts a similar. You have made gratitude lists and written what you want in your journal. You asked the Universe for what you wanted, that is, the greatest benefit for you from others. You trust the process and even take steps to help you achieve it yourself.
But it’s not like that.
What you want seems out of reach, or it may seem like the exact opposite is happening.
So why doesn’t it work for you?
One essential thing to know about the law of attraction is that you can sabotage your own efforts without even knowing it. In fact, the simple fact of wanting something creates a feeling of lack, and you cannot leave the place of lack. This is an LOA hazard that many people don’t talk about. When you want something, you bring this energy of absence into your life. Think about it for a minute: if you want something, then you don’t have it. When you focus on what you do not have or what you do not have (for example, when you want more money), you come to this by default. This can seriously hurt your demonstration efforts, but we’ll get back to that later.
Another potential problem is that you don’t fully believe it. It’s one thing to EXPECT that the Law of Attraction is working to bring you what you want, but it’s another thing to KNOW that the Universe will meet your needs no matter what. To truly believe is to feel it with your bones without a doubt and to know that what you want is already on its way to you. When in doubt, you are actually asking the LOA to show you that it is not working. You hope (even if it is only a small part of you) that he will fail and that the Universe will marry you and fulfill your expectations.
So if you want LOA to work, here are some tips.
Here are some steps to display what you want (including CASH):
• Be clear about what you want. Ask, and you will receive, right? So the first step is to understand what you want. Take the time to write this in your journal. Meditate on this. Understand with yourself what is really important and what you really need and want. Once you know what it is, it’s time to order it.
• Ask the Universe about it. Then you ask. It’s one thing to have a list of what you want, but the next step is to amplify that message to the Universe. When the Universe is clear on what you want (see also step 3 below), it will help you snap into place and exactly what you are trying to achieve. Don’t leave it to chance; say what you want. Be specific and frequent.
• Be specific. It is not enough to ask for what you want. You can get it, but it’s not what you really expected or wanted. It is imperative that you be very specific. Don’t say you want to earn more money. You can get a raise of $ 0.50 or find some coins on the street. If you are really looking for $ 2K more per month or $ 25K per year, ask for it. This is a very important step in this process.
• Take steps on your own to achieve your goals. Now you need to find the Universe halfway. Get out there and start acting. Start doing things that will help you reach your goals. You can’t just sit back and wish for it. You need to show the Universe that you are ready to contribute. Take action, and don’t stop acting until you reach your goals and move on to the next one. • Accept and accept with gratitude. You may not know it, but the Universe always helps you. Little signs appear around us every day, but sometimes we miss them. You need to open your eyes and open your heart. Be grateful when you see signs from the Universe, and it will continue to give you more of what you want. A great way to get started on this idea is to create a gratitude journal. Try to write down at least ten things every day that you are grateful for. You should also include everything that happened that day to get closer to your goals and what you are trying to achieve.