Nowadays people often suffer from lower backaches caused due to several reasons. One of the reasons among those is tight Glute muscles. Glutes, also known as Buttocks not only play an important role in proper and balanced movement, but also benefits overall health and wellbeing of an individual. Gluteal muscles include the Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, and the Gluteus minimus. Gluteus maximus and Gluteus medius, present on the outer side of pelvis are mainly responsible for causing lower back pain, when they become tight. Tight glute muscles increases the risk of injury and also decreases the ability to move. Glute muscles are involved in everyday workouts like running, sitting, bending, walking, and riding. They are also involved in most of the cardiovascular exercises. Stretching helps in relieving from pain. It increases the flexibility of your muscles to a greater extent. Stretches are as following:
Deep lunges:
This stretches leg muscles and increases stability. It benefits one glute at a time.
Step your right leg far forward into lunge position.
Lower your hips down as down as possible and balance the other leg on your toes.
Hold the position for about 30 seconds.
Switch the legs and repeat.
Stacked knee glute stretch:
This stretch benefits both glutes at the same time.
First bend your right knee and place your right foot closer to left hip.
Similarly, bend the left knee and put your left foot closer to right hip.
Knees should be properly stacked on each another.
Lean forward and hold the position for 30 seconds.
Switch the legs and repeat.
Pigeon stretch:
It is relatively a strong and deep glute stretch.
Sit on the floor, bend your right leg into a half crossed leg position.
Now try to stretch your left leg back as far as possible.
Lean forward to feel a stretch in the glute muscles.
Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat the stretch using the other leg.
Pretzel stretch:
This is one of the most powerful stretches of all and it is performed at the end.
Lie on the floor on your back.
Straighten your right leg, bend your left leg and place it on right leg such that left foot touches your right knee.
Now pull your right leg towards chest and feel a stretch in the muscles.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Switch the legs and repeat for 3 times for better results.
It relieves from pain, stiffness, and injury caused after a long running or daily workouts.
Stretches keep your muscles fit and healthy.
Avoid bouncing during stretches.
Do not perform the stretches, if you have any pain or discomfort in the muscles.